Congrats to Eric on his new personal best 11 second run in his 2018 F150 Ecoboost 3.5 Super Crew 4WD. He managed this last night in Alabama with his tune only F150 Ecoboost work truck. He started tuning with us at 400 miles and now has 42,000 on the clock. Great job Eric! Well done. [wpdevart_youtube]SQSuutXWX1U[/wpdevart_youtube]
Austin Williamson Hell Cat runs a new personal best of [email protected] at Atco Dragway. Congrats goes out to the Williamsons for their new personal best in the Hell Cat. Time for those 9's coming. Well done! SSi Performance Tuned [wpdevart_youtube]y-9_D5WjW3c[/wpdevart_youtube]
We are having a Columbus Day Sale on Custom Tunes and Programmers with Custom Tunes. For $60.00 off all programmers with custom tuning at Check Out use coupon code- Columbus 1 Custom Tune $90.00 CLICK HERE 2 Custom Tunes $130.00 CLICH HERE
This 2018 F150 Whipple Supercharged 5.0 puts down 655 rwhp / 493 trq This daily driven sleeper put down those numbers on 91 octane with conservative meth injection tune. Mods are Whipple Supercharger, exhaust, and Snow Performance meth injection. [wpdevart_youtube]tCTHQP59eEg[/wpdevart_youtube]