Worlds Fastest Edge Sport is SSi Performance tuned! Congrats to SSi Customer Warren J for his Worlds Fastest Edge Sport first ever 12 second run! He then ran a 12.90 which broke his first 12 sec ever Edge Sport run of 12.97 and which makes him the man to chase. This once again show cases SSi Performance commitment to excellence. We also try to put our customers in the absolute best position...
SSi Customer Austin P new Personal Best Track Time. Austin sure made the best of horrible DA and ran a [email protected]. Great run for his limited experience at the track. He sure will put down some incredible numbers when the cooler air gets here in the fall. Well done!
Congrats to the SSi Customers Eric and Tracey Noels first time at the track with their 2017 Fusion Sport 2.7. Although the weather was a poor 3000 DA they still managed a great run with 93 octane and SSi Performance Tune Only. They should be able to knock off at least .3 to .4 with decent air and fuel. We believe this to be the fastest Fusion Sport to date. Additionally with some tune revision...
SSi Performance Customer Victor lays it down at the track! Congrats to Victor G for his new personal best time [email protected] mph with his 2016 F150 Ecoboost 3.5. Intake and SSi Performance tune only. That is FAST and Great 60 foot times! This run ranks up there in the top 10 of the Fastest F150 Ecoboost Track Times. Great job showcasing SSi Performance Tuning. Thank You Victor! [wpdevart...