We are having a Weekend Sale Special with our custom tuning. Come over to the best tuning you could possibly get and save some money while you are at it. 1 custom tune for $90.00 click here. 2 custom tunes for $140.00 click here.
Congrats to Austin W for a new personal best run of [email protected] in his 2017 F150 5.0. This was his 3rd time out racing and hes improved every single time out. He has an intake, catback, and SSi Performance custom E50 130-A Performance tune. He plans to get rid of his heavy wheels and tires soon. That will help him lower his times for sure. Great job Austin and keep it up!
Congrats to Ronnie for his 12.03 run in his 2017 F150 3.5 Ecoboost! Although the track prep wasnt very good Ronnie made the best of it on his last run of the night. We look for 11s for sure when ghe gets out next time with some decent track conditions. Wel done indeed Roniie. Keep up the good work!
If you are on Facbook come see what Ford 5.0 customers say about our Custom Tuning. This includes Mustang and F150 5.0 people who have made the switch over to The Tuning Professionals at SSi Performance. Lately we have had a lot of people come over who were tuned with other companies. The comparison, feedback, and testimonials are most excellent. Great linear power, no flat spots, dead spots, or h...