15% off Custom Tunes and Programmers with Custom Tunes. This is for standard Ford, GM, and Chrysler X4s, BDX, and Livewire programmers with custom tunes. At checkout use coupon code - Vet Happy Veterans Day everyone and especially for all that are serving and who have served. Thank you for your service!
Now get additional cash back on all SSi Performance SCT and Bully Dog Programmers with Custom Tunes. November 1 - December 31, 2022 Download the SCT Rebate Flyer Download the marketing flyer to promote the holiday rebate: 2022 SCT Holiday Rebate Flyer Click HERE The Bully Dog Holiday Rebate is happening once again! Consumers will be able to qualify for a rebate of up to $45 with ...
SSi Performance Tuning Instructions for Programming the 2021 and up F150 2.7, 3.3, 3.5, and 5.0 Below is the download link for the PDF file with programming instructions. [embeddoc url="https://southernspeedinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/SSi-Performance-2021-F150-and-up-Programming-Alpha-Instructions-_A3-User-.docx" download="all" viewer="microsoft"]
The 2021 and up F150s with 2.7, 3.3, 3,5, and 5.0 Support starts in November. The long awaited release is almost here. This is a whole new device part number for the 2021 and up F150 applications. We are taking pre orders now as they will have a limited initial run so you may want to be sure you get in the initial runs. They will begin shipping in November. This also includes our Industry Best...