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Congrats to Kristian James for Running a [email protected] today! Bone Stock Ecoboost F150 with SSi Custom tune only with SCT!

Congrats to Kristian James at the track for his 1st time with his 2015 EcoBoost F150.

A fun 0-112 mph video from customer Kristian James with the 5150 Tune in his 2015 F150 Ecoboost. Got Speed?

Great video worth sharing Kristian did on the street today to show you just how the 5150 tune performs. enjoy. [wpdevart_youtube]U5DPa_z_fFw[/wpdevart_youtube]

Doug MCay starts off the 2016 racing season with a new personal best of [email protected] on 2/15/2016. VIDEO

Congrats to Doug for his new personal best 1/4 mile ET! [wpdevart_youtube]KD-F2GGDdv0[/wpdevart_youtube]

SSi Customer in Speed Society last summer – Oklahoma Street Car Takeover.

SSi Customer in Speed Society Read the Article here http://speedsociety.com/since-when-is-a-6-cylinder-truck-this-quick-ecoboost-powa/?source=cutty Speed Society was a little late coming out with this considering we ran this event last summer but its a good plug anyway. They didnt capture our best runs of 12.5's but did capture him with some practice runs of 12.7 here in the videos. His t...

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