He made his personal best run today of [email protected] in his Explorer Sport which is also the Fastest Explorer Sport track time to date. He also backed it up with several other 12.6@108 runs during the day. Great Job and Congrats Chance! Intake Exhaust and 100 octane SSi Performance Tuned. Video and slips below. [wpdevart_youtube]K6fCPijNPdo[/wpdevart_youtube]
Congrats to Josh P for another strong 2nd place finish in his 2018 F150 2.7 Ecoboost. Josh continues to get better with his Truck Pull Competitions. It wont be long until he can grab that top spot after 2 2nd place finishes. Thank you Josh for show casing the power of the 2.7 Ecoboost with SSi Performance Tuning. Well Done! [wpdevart_youtube]UiT911wkLBE[/wpdevart_youtube] ...
Congrats goes out to Mrs Lonnie B for her most excellent outing and racing her 2016 Explorer Sport. She ended end with a personal best of 13.02. We no doubt look for her to crack the 12s her next time out. Again Congrats Lonnie on showing the boys how its done! She has Intake, Exhaust, 3 Bar, and SSi Performance Custom Tuning. Lonnie's explorer is a full weight vehicle and a couple of baby ...
Congrats to Chance K with his Explorer Sport with an Amazing [email protected] on a 93 Octane SSi Performance Tune. He best his personal best and did this with 93 octane only. We cant wait to see what this thing will do on some serious race fuel. Congrats Again Chance! Great Run. Video Below. [wpdevart_youtube]5L46itHKLG0[/wpdevart_youtube] Time Slip