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Datalogging with DiabloSport Programmers and DiabloSport Dataviewer

This is what we are looking for in Datalogging with DiabloSport Programmers.




Here is a list of some of the important items we need to dial your vehicle in correctly.

ECT- Coolant temp

IAT- Intake air temp


Vehicle speed

Long Term fuel trim Bank 1

Long Term fuel trim Bank 2

Short Term Fuel trim Bank 1

Short Term Fuel Trim Bank 2

Manifold Absolute Pressure

Spark Advance

Throttle position


A 60 second log at idle and a 60 second log at 45 mph cruise is good. Email that to [email protected] or [email protected]


Here is a pic of a Datalog in DiabloSport Dataviewer. You can also download Dataviewer at DiabloSport website below and here DiabloSport Dataviewer


DiabloSport Datalog



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